Which JoJo Stand Is The Best? (Diamond Is Unbreakable)

I’ve already ranked the Stardust Crusaders Stands, so it’s only fair to give the rest of the Parts a go – continuing with “Diamond Is Unbreakable”. The Stands are even stronger and weirder this time around, if you can believe that.

Same sort of rules as before – I’ll be ranking each Stand out of ten in five separate categories for a total score out of a possible fifty. If the overall score is a tie, I’ll give the nod either to the “Cooler” Stand or just personal preference (feel free to check out my Stardust Crusaders list for a more in-depth introduction).

Before we begin, you can check out some of my related blog posts below:

28 – Cinderella (Aya Tsuji)


Most Stands have some innate combat ability, or at the very least a Power that would give them a competitive edge. Cinderella has no such advantage.

Its ability is purely cosmetic, changing someone’s face to be more beautiful. Powerful in a social sense, but not very useful beyond that.

27 – Achtung Baby (Shizuka Joestar)


A bizarre Stand from one of my least favourite episodes of the season.

Achtung Baby has a semi-Powerful ability to turn invisible … but it’s a baby. It can’t exactly control its actions.

26 – Boy II Man (Ken Oyanagi)


Imma be honest with y’all. A rock-paper-scissors Stand has got to be the laziest, lamest Stand ability yet.

It has a strong Power of stealing another person’s Stand, but it’s extremely close-Range and is operated by an annoying child.

25 – The Lock (Tamami Kobayashi)


Tamami Kobayashi should consider himself very lucky that The Lock works at any Range (I think), as otherwise he would easily have the worst Stand in the season.

It has no Power, looks stupid, is operated by a moron, and I’d rather have any other Stand on this list. Even Cheap Trick, a literal curse, would be Cooler …

24 – Hermit Purple (Joseph Joestar)


Ah, good old Mr. Joestar. Back again for his third JoJo season as a senile, raving lunatic. Only getting weaker as the years roll by.

His Stand Hermit Purple has no Power and his Intelligence has faded over the years.

23 – Surface (Toshikazu Hazamada)


Surface is a Stand with wasted potential – its mirroring ability could’ve been really Powerful in the right hands, but the episode itself went nowhere.

Not only does it mimic the opposition perfectly, but it seemingly controls them too!

22 – Pearl Jam (Tonio Trussardi)


“Let’s Eat Some Italian Food” is a really funny episode – at first Tonio Trussardi seems like yet another villain, but by the end you realise that his Stand Pearl Jam actually helps people.

It corrects customers’ maladies. Not the Coolest Stand, and it has to be ingested to be effective, but otherwise solid.

21 – Aqua Necklace (Anjuro Katagiri)


Anjuro Katagiri is built up as “the most heinous, villainous criminal of the last few decades” … so his Stand Aqua Necklace was always going to disappoint one way or another.

It has decent Power, its Design is alright, but its Range is tiny and its user was an idiot at points.

20 – Love Deluxe (Yukako Yamagishi)


Love Deluxe is consistently bang-average.

Yukako Yamagishi’s hair Stand lacks Power, has medium Range and doesn’t look that interesting. One of the most forgettable Stands, even if the character herself was memorable.

19 – Stray Cat (Tama)


Stray Cat is one of the most fascinating Stands in Diamond Is Unbreakable – its existence is a pure accident, and yet its Power is undeniable.

It packs a helluva punch for a plant-feline hybrid, so it’s just the cat-like Intelligence that holds the overall score back.

18 – Earth Wind and Fire (Mikitaka Hazekura)


I was on the fence about whether to include Earth Wind and Fire in this ranking at all. Is it a genuine Stand? Is Mikitaka actually an alien? The JoJo wiki lists it as a Stand nonetheless, so I might as well include it.

This would absolutely be a Stand I would personally go for – the shape-shifting would be a childish fantasy come true, but its other assets aren’t particularly impressive.

17 – Cheap Trick


Lethal, miniscule Range, and nobody wants to have it. Cheap Trick will have to settle for a mid-pack finish.

Its Intelligence seemed low at first, but the scene where it calls upon cats and dogs to force Rohan’s hand demonstrated cleverness.

16 – Atom Heart Father (Yoshihiro Kira)


Yoshihiro Kira’s Atom Heart Father is a bit of a weird one to rank – his powers appear briefly in his first episode, but then for the rest of Diamond Is Unbreakable his abilities can be boiled down to “deranged old man floats around in a picture”.

Based on his initial appearance, his ability to trap people inside “picture frames” is decently Powerful but lacks any truly deadly applications.

15 – Red Hot Chili Pepper (Akira Otoishi)


The first major Stand villain in the season, and as a result Red Hot Chili Pepper’s Power is nothing to scoff at.

The Stand does have to get in fairly close in order to enact its electrical powers, but otherwise it made for a great early foe.

14 – Super Fly (Toyohiro Kanedaichi)


I had no idea how to rate Super Fly’s abilities.

Is the ability to entrap a user indefinitely while reflecting all attacks Powerful? Yeah, I suppose. Does it have a large Range? Horizontally, not so much. And it is just a great big electrical pylon at the end of the day.

13 – Bad Company (Keicho Nijimura)


Bad Company comes across as a bit of a silly, weak Stand in comparison to how fearsome Keicho Nijimura presents himself.

Controlling an army of toy soldiers sounds awesome, but in practice they lack Power and have an average Range.

12 – Harvest (Shigekiyo Yangu)


Is Harvest one of the best Stands in the series? Far from it, but its city-wide Range helped to skyrocket it up this ranking.

If it was more Powerful or was used by a smarter user than Shigekiyo it could have been a fearsome Stand.

11 – Echoes (Koichi Hirose)


This was another Stand that I had a hard time ranking. Do I take the worst attributes of Echoes Act 1? The best of Act 3? In the end, I settled on a vague average between all three Acts.

It initially had a huge Range that shrunk, but with the reduced Range came a stronger Power. Oh, and Koichi proved himself to be a smart cookie on multiple occasions.

10 – Sheer Heart Attack (Yoshikage Kira)


It’s top ten time, and now we’ve reached the deadliest of the deadly.

Sheer Heart Attack was the first “secondary” Stand of the series, and I couldn’t believe how unstoppable it was. It follows its target from any Range and packs a hell of a punch – but the fact it’s a mindless, autonomous drone docks it a fair few points in the Intelligence department.

9 – Ratt (Bug-Eaten)


When Jotaro and Josuke went on a side quest to stop an errant rat, I had no idea they were about to encounter one of the most Powerful Stands in the season.

Ratt shoots deadly poison, has a far-reaching Range and demonstrates reasonable Intelligence for a simple rodent.

8 – Highway Star (Yuya Fungami)


The Highway Star two-parter was a highlight of Diamond Is Unbreakable, as I loved all the ingenious ways Josuke got out of a pinch. But half of the plaudits also have to go Highway Star’s awesome Design.

A pair of hands chasing you to the ends of the earth? Nightmare-inducing. It would be near-unstoppable if it wasn’t for the fact that Yuya Fungami isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

7 – Crazy Diamond (Josuke Higashikata)


Healing Powers? The ability to rearrange human anatomy? The Power to reverse entropy (or “enthalpy”, for you science buffs)? Yeah, Crazy Diamond is one of the Coolest Stands of the series thus far.

It has a short Range, unfortunately, but Josuke’s quick-thinking in most situations made up for it.

6 – Killer Queen (Yoshikage Kira)


Just barely pipping Josuke to sixth place is Diamond Is Unbreakable’s charismatic antagonist, Yoshikage Kira.

Killer Queen is just as Cool and Powerful as Crazy Diamond, but I’d give the slight edge to Killer Queen for its better Design.

5 – The Hand (Okuyasu Nijimura)


If we’re talking about the biggest wasted potential, The Hand has to be right up there. It’s insanely Powerful, so it’s even more insane that we barely see it in action across the season!

This isn’t ranking potential, however, and on paper The Hand is a beast. Okuyasu Nijimura could be a bit smooth-brained at times, but otherwise his voiding ability was put to excellent use (once or twice …).

4 – Enigma (Terunosuke Miyamoto)


A Stand that preys on fear. Nope. Nuh-uh. I’m out.

I would be toast if I came across Enigma in the wild, and it’s only down to luck and teamwork that Josuke, Koichi and Yuya took Terunosuke down.

3 – Star Platinum (Jotaro Kujo)


Star Platinum finishes with an overall score of 39 yet again thanks to overwhelming Power and Coolness, but the score distribution is a little different this time around.

I took a point from Intelligence since there are a few times where Jotaro is caught napping and Josuke has to save him, but I’ve added a point to Cool because whenever Star Platinum turns up it’s a highlight of Diamond Is Unbreakable.

2 – Heaven’s Door (Rohan Kishibe)


Heaven’s Door’s ability is straight-up unfair.

Its Power to rewrite someone’s actions and psyche is so Cool, and paired with Rohan’s unrivalled Intelligence it makes for a truly awesome Stand.

1 – Bites the Dust (Yoshikage Kira)


It was all fun and games until Bites the Dust destroyed everyone in one fell swoop.

It’s an automatic death, has unlimited Range, and it’s unbelievably Cool. Thank goodness its Intelligence is lower due to it being somewhat automatic, as otherwise no other Stand would ever be able to compare.

Aaaaand that’s my list! You can check out some of my latest blog posts below:

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