EVERY MCU Film Ranked (Up To GOTG: Volume 3)

I ranked all of the MCU films about 3 years ago when I first started this blog. I think it’s time for an update – there have been nine more films since then! Some of my opinions have changed drastically, and I have a thing or two to say about the new entries. Let’s getContinue reading “EVERY MCU Film Ranked (Up To GOTG: Volume 3)”

The Best & Worst Thing About Every MCU Film (Infinity Saga)

The MCU is one of my favourite film franchises ever, and I can think of at least a dozen movie-going experiences that will stick with me forever. Since I’m such a fan, however, I’m bound to have a spicy opinion or two. What better way to anger everyone than to list my favourite and leastContinue reading “The Best & Worst Thing About Every MCU Film (Infinity Saga)”

MCU Films Ranked (OUTDATED)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been the biggest franchise on Earth for the last decade, and rivals some of the greats for the title of “best film franchise of all time”. They continuously release great film after great film (with a few exceptions), and for as long as quality is this high I’ll be aContinue reading “MCU Films Ranked (OUTDATED)”