Every Film I Watched In 2023 Ranked

At the start of 2023 I set myself a challenge – I would watch one new movie (i.e. for the first time) a week in order to broaden my cinematic repertoire. Now that the year has come to an end, I can finally say I (barely) reached that goal! A few disclaimers before we startContinue reading “Every Film I Watched In 2023 Ranked”

EVERY Sidemen Sunday Of 2023 Ranked

The Sidemen have been going strong for ten years now, and 2023 was arguably one of their best years for content ever – there were only a handful of videos I wasn’t a fan of, and the vast majority of them were entertaining bangers. As has become tradition by this point, I’ll rank all fifty-twoContinue reading “EVERY Sidemen Sunday Of 2023 Ranked”

My Favourite Videogame Of Every Year

As 2023 was coming to an end, I started reflecting on what my favourite videogame of the year was … and that got me wondering what my other favourite games in each year was! I’ll be choosing my personal favourites rather than the popular choice (although I’m sure there’s some overlap), and I’ll be startingContinue reading “My Favourite Videogame Of Every Year”