The Office – All 9 Seasons Ranked

Now that I’ve had some time to reminisce in the many weeks after finishing The Office, I can finally give my definitive ranking on all nine seasons. The quality is mixed to say the least. I’ll also throw in my favourite, least favourite, most underrated and most overrated episode of each season for the funContinue reading “The Office – All 9 Seasons Ranked”

The Office – Season 6 Episodes Ranked

After five full seasons on the air, The Office started to show some cracks in its sixth season. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the golden age of the show is long gone by this point. That’s not to say I didn’t laugh at some of these episodes … just that IContinue reading “The Office – Season 6 Episodes Ranked”

The Office – Season 5 Episodes Ranked

After a bit of a break due to personal projects and this season being so bloody loooong, I’ve finally finished re-watching The Office Season 5! There are a lot of episodes here to make up for the writers’ strike during Season 4, so you can imagine there’ll be a wide spectrum of opinions. Let’s getContinue reading “The Office – Season 5 Episodes Ranked”

The Office – Season 4 Episodes Ranked

Season 4 of The Office is quite short on the whole (mainly due to the 2008 Writers’ Strike … a far cry from the excellent pay they receive these days!), but it still provides the jokes. There are only 14 episodes this season after I combine the two-parters – let’s rank them all! Before weContinue reading “The Office – Season 4 Episodes Ranked”

The Office – Season 3 Episodes Ranked

I was a little worried that this show had peaked early, but Season 3 of The Office continued to serve up the laughs and iconic workplace antics. There were a lot of episodes here that I loved, and the characters / writing are really starting to come into their own. How would I rank everyContinue reading “The Office – Season 3 Episodes Ranked”

The Office (U.S.) – Season 2 Episodes Ranked

Here it is ladies and gentlemen – this is where The Office became one of the best comedy shows of all time. Rarely has a leap in quality between seasons been so enormous! Before I rank every episode, here are a few of my related blog posts: 22 – Christmas Party Rating: C A fan-favouriteContinue reading “The Office (U.S.) – Season 2 Episodes Ranked”