Hades – Every God Ranked

I recently fought my way out of the Underworld for the second time, racking up over two-hundred runs across my two playthroughs, so it’s fair to say I’ve used every boon in Hades by this point. I’ll be ranking the nine Olympian Gods based on the boons they give you (in other words, their personalityContinue reading “Hades – Every God Ranked”

The Evil Within 1 VS 2 – Which Game Is Better?

Thanks to Epic Games releasing both games for free during the Halloween season, I finally got the chance to play The Evil Within and its sequel. I had a good time with both games, as each one demonstrated how to get survival horror right, but some aspects varied in quality across both entries. I’ll beContinue reading “The Evil Within 1 VS 2 – Which Game Is Better?”

Resident Evil 4 Remake – All Bosses Ranked

Okay … I might have a Resident Evil 4 addiction. I’ve played the campaign five times now, and loved it every single time. Which also means I’ve tussled with each boss five separate times, so I can now form some concrete opinions on them! They’re very impressive across the board (unlike some other RE gamesContinue reading “Resident Evil 4 Remake – All Bosses Ranked”

Resident Evil 4 – All Sixteen Chapters Ranked

I’ve been biding my time for a Steam sale and a few free days in my schedule, and I can now finally say I’ve played the Resident Evil 4 Remake. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy my experience, I think it’s the best RE game yet! There are sixteen fantastic chapters on offer, but someContinue reading “Resident Evil 4 – All Sixteen Chapters Ranked”

The Best & Worst Moment From Each Assassin’s Creed Game

The Assassin’s Creed franchise has served up a plethora of incredible moments over the years … but it’s also served up its fair share of duds too. I’ll be choosing my personal favourite and least favourite moment from all twelve mainline AC games. These aren’t necessary the best / worst missions (though there may beContinue reading “The Best & Worst Moment From Each Assassin’s Creed Game”

Arkham Trilogy – Every Boss Ranked

After playing the Rocksteady Arkham trilogy (not Origins … sorry!), I was taken aback by the (mostly) excellent boss fights. I knew these games were famed for their combat encounters, but I wasn’t expecting them to be so good! I’ll rank every main boss fight in the trilogy – so smaller bosses like the TitansContinue reading “Arkham Trilogy – Every Boss Ranked”

Arkham Trilogy – Which Game Is Best?

I recently played through the Rocksteady Arkham Trilogy (not Origins … sorry!), and was blown away by the combat and gothic presentation. I enjoyed the Batman shenanigans so much that I got to wondering – which game in the trilogy is the best? I’ll do one of my trademark Power Rankings to decide – I’llContinue reading “Arkham Trilogy – Which Game Is Best?”

Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 10 Best (& Worst) Stars

I’ve always maintained that the first Galaxy was my favourite Mario game, but after replaying Galaxy 2 I’m conflicted. The levels were awesome once again, and the stars were arguably cleaner and more fun than in the previous game. I’ll pick my 10 favourite and least favourite stars (not galaxies) from Galaxy 2, just likeContinue reading “Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 10 Best (& Worst) Stars”

Super Mario Galaxy – 10 Best (& Worst) Stars

Super Mario Galaxy is easily one of my favourite games of all time, and I’ve already ranked each galaxy, but that doesn’t tell the whole story – I’m going to pick my 10 favourite (and least favourite) stars / levels. As an added challenge, I’m not going to pick any of the purple coin levels.Continue reading “Super Mario Galaxy – 10 Best (& Worst) Stars”

Persona: Golden vs Royal vs Strikers

Persona is a series that I’ve fallen head over heels for, and every time I pick up a new entry I have a blast with it. Here are the three fantastic games I’ve played so far: Now that I’ve finally completed all three, I can do one of my trademark Power Rankings (pitting each gameContinue reading “Persona: Golden vs Royal vs Strikers”