My Favourite Lyrics On Every Muse Song

I recently looked at my favourite lyric on every Bowie song (you can see that blog post and its rules here), and I enjoyed making it so much that I’ve decided to make it a series! Matt Bellamy and Muse were the obvious next choice, but maybe not for obvious reasons – I think hisContinue reading “My Favourite Lyrics On Every Muse Song”

EVERY Muse Album Song Ranked

I’ve made my love of Muse abundantly clear, and while they might not be critical darlings they have countless tracks that I absolutely adore. At the very least, every song is at least passable – but how would I rank all the tracks? There are a couple of rules I’ve set out for myself –Continue reading “EVERY Muse Album Song Ranked”

The ACTUAL Best Song On Famous Albums

I’m going to attempt something completely different with this list, and this will undoubtedly end up being my most controversial list of them all – I’ll talk about a few of my favourite albums (twelve, in total) and what my pick for favourite song on the album is. That’s simple, you might be thinking, whatContinue reading “The ACTUAL Best Song On Famous Albums”

Best Muse Albums for Bass

I’ve talked a lot about Muse and how awesome they are, but I think it’s time I talk about one man in particular – Chris Wolstenholme. His basslines on Muse records are always stellar, and some of them rank among the best basslines of all time. He’s a real inspiration to me, and a bigContinue reading “Best Muse Albums for Bass”

“Resistance” Songs Ranked

A lot of people say this is a weak album, to which I say – ARE YOU MAD? THIS IS AMAZING! In all seriousness, this is a great album that I’d highly recommend. How would I rank the songs? (For the sake of this list I’ll do the “Exogenesis: Symphony” songs separately, but they shouldContinue reading ““Resistance” Songs Ranked”

Muse Opening Songs Ranked

One of the constants in a Muse record is that the opening and closing tracks are going to be good. I’ll definitely get round to the closers, but for now let’s focus on the incredible introductions to Muse’s flawless discography. If you like this list, check out my other Muse list: Bad 9 – ForcedContinue reading “Muse Opening Songs Ranked”